
Kuri is a personal assistant powered by artificial intelligence. Inspired by OpenAI's ChatGPT, our team delve into the goals that motivate current behaviors when interacting with conversional AI tools and improved their journeys. Kuri users are able to save, search and store chats with a personal assistant that learns from their patterns and behavior to improve their in-app experience.
My role: As Team Lead, I was responsible for ensuring that our team solved our initial problem through project management, facilitating brainstorming and design sessions, making final decision decisions and liaising with our professors. I also was responsible for our chat screen design and features.
Abby Brams Andrea Romero Diaz Jhordan John (Team Lead) Marconi Douetts Kinsey Still
Design system Product design Product strategy UI design User research Usability testing
Feb - April 2023
Problem Statement: It is difficult for university students to share experiences and connect with other students.
Methodology: We followed Alan Cooper's Goal-Directed Design methodology which emphasizes the user's goals through 5 phases of design: research, modeling, requirements, framework, and refinement.
Solution: An app that allows students to share their university experience, connect with other students, and source relevant university information.
My team designed an iOS mobile app called ComUni. The name itself bridges two our main ideas-- community and university; as we aim to foster and build community life within the university context.
To gain an understanding of our potential users and how they may use our product, I led my team through qualitative research, competitor analyses, and user interviews. We began with our secondary research, asking one simple question:
How do students currently find and share information?
The goal of our research was to identify the different methods students currently use to source and share information related to their university. As students ourselves, we had various assumptions about what the findings of existing studies could look like, but our initial research still gave us some surprising results:
We then took time to analyze 4 major products that provide students with campus-related related information. We ultimately found that many web and mobile services did not prioritize verifying users or ensuring content was relevant to the user's university, resulting in a cookie-cutter, surface-level experience.
Our next step was to speak directly with our potential users -- college students. We conducted our interviews virtually due to the varying locations of our participants to understand how they found and shared information and how an app like ComUni would align with their goals. I facilitated two of these interviews.
Our participants provided us with key information that gave us much needed insight:
"I usually check my school website but I wish the information was organized differently" - Junior, University of Central Florida
"As an international student, it was hard for me to find information about my university from current students" - Sophomore, New York University
After each interview, I led my team through affinity mapping sessions to identify patterns in user behavior and goals. This process helped us to visualize patterns according to topic that can later impact product requirements.
To ensure that our persona was both valid and relevant, our team identified the most consistent patterns of behaviors, goals, and motivations and crafted our primary persona, Melody Soto:
At this stage, our focus was transferring the findings from our research into design solutions that support the goals of our users. From the goals and subsequent pain points that our interviewees expressed, we wrote context scenarios that married their needs to potential solutions that would meet them. These narratives helped us to place our app in the context of the everyday life of our users, encouraging practicality over designer bias.
We then outlined a list of tasks that our users should be able to complete. At this stage, I functioned as a stakeholder to maintain the scope of the project and ensure that our features can have measured outcomes.
Our team was now entering our most intensive stage-- brainstorming the framework for our app with our newly identified app requirements. To do this, we followed Alan Cooper's guidelines for creating keypath and validation scenarios. Our keypath scenario is our main user flow where a user selects a subgroup, views or contributes content, and looks at campus events. Our validation scenarios are any subsequent screens that support our main flow. This processes resulted in our initial lo-fi frames.
After functioning as a stakeholder to ensure the initial app flow and features met our business outcomes, I guided my team through our high-fidelity design process. Before we began designing, my priority was to design a well-defined design system to ensure our design felt refined and scalable. I played a crucial role in this stage as both a visual designer and the final decision-maker. Our goal was a clean and modern interface that would fit within an educational context.
The Refinement phase marks the transition from low-fidelity wireframes to a high-fidelity and fully functional prototype. With design guidelines now in place, I assigned my team members different flows to design screens for. We then prototyped our screens and interactions to deliver a hi-fi prototype to be tested.
As Lead Designer, I was responsible for ensuring that our team solved our initial problem through project management, facilitating brainstorming and design sessions, making final decisions. I was also responsible for the design and features of our chat screen and liaising with our professors. I also was responsible for our chat screen design and features.
As discussions around how AI would be implemented in different product domains, our team saw this as a challenge to find a problem we identified within existing AI-powered platforms and improve the experience for users were other products fell short.
Current AI tools have focused primarily on providing conversational responses to users that fail to meet a user's specific preferences, parameters and unique lifestyle .
Many of our initial assumptions were based off of products that simply didn't exist. The novelty of our product called for true reliance on research and design thinking and allowed us to tap into speculative design.
For this project, I acted as both a stakeholder and designer as I posed a list of questions to my team that we brainstormed together. I used this opportunity to provide my team with a general framework for our project and then we discussed our assumptions regarding context, potential users and limitations, and other expectations.
Some off our kickoff questions and our initial assumptions:
To better understand the domain we dedicated a full sprint to research, starting with secondary research. The goal for our secondary research was to better understand tools people go to for answers, the problems they aimed to address and the solution they offered to address them.
At the time of this project, companies like Microsoft and Google had just released plans for BingAI and Bard, their respective AI tools, so solutions that we could actually interact with were limited. But, this did not stop our research. I assigned my team members to 9 different AI tools and search engines and encouraged them to use any material to better understand the product -- from beta products to press release notes.
Our team met with 2 SMEs to understand the technical side of AI and machine learning. As a team leader, I saw the benefit of understanding the backend of what we aspired to design so we could understand the limitations of existing technology and learn more about safety, best practices and other considerations in this space.
Based on assumptions made in our kickoff meeting, we met with 6 potential users after placing them into 4 quadrants. new vs experienced with AI and using AI for work vs personal. Our goal was to understand their current experience when using tools that provide them with information or assist them with completing tasks, the main functionalities of a personal assistant.
Key questions we asked our participant:
After each interview, I lead my team through affinity mapping sessions where we common insights based on feedback from our users. These sessions allowed our team to discuss key moments after each interview and compare them to other patterns we identified with other participants. We used out affinities to identify different behaviors and goals that would be used to construct our personas.
After summarizing each user interview, our team plotted each participant across various spectrums to visualize all the patterns we had identified. Each matrix was based on questions we had asked in our interviews. These clusters helped us to identify the leading goal or behavior related to each question asked in our interviews.
We based our personas on the clusters that were formed on our matrices. To do this, we took note of how often two or more participants were clustered together on a spectrum. We found that majority of our participants wanted to use a personal assistant to complete work-related tasks as efficiently as possible. Other participants were interested in a personal assistant to creatively explore their personal interests.
In Goal-Directed Design, this phase is known as the Frameworks phase. As the name suggests, our team engaged in discussions to identify our key user flow, main and supporting features and Kuri's brand. We wanted an app that looked futuristic and modern but still felt trustworthy as Kuri heavily relied on user's sharing specific information. We also wanted a two panel layout to allow users to navigate previous chats while still prioritizing their current chat.
As we advanced from frameworks to a more refined design, we established our design system, branding and voice for Kuri.
Kuri was tested by 8 participants, some from our initial user interviews and some first-timers. This combination allowed us to seek feedback from those who may have thought-through expectations of our app and those who are new to our concept entirely. Helping us to improve the necessary complexity Kuri requires while still making it intuitive and easy to use.
Outcome: I led my team through to Goal-Directed Design process to deliver an extensive research report, design files, and a final stakeholder presentation. I learned so much wearing many hats throughout this 12 week project: